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Why Monday’s are the best day of the week and what YOU can do to believe it

Zach Stiffler
4 min readJul 2, 2019

So, it’s Monday, and it looks like we’re struck with the Monday Blues once again. Dreading to get out of bed, we hit snooze on our alarm 3 more times. Then, once we realize we’re already late, we spring up and sprint to the bathroom. Have we ever wondered why we do this? Or, a better question is why do entrepreneurs LOVE waking up on Monday morning? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not because we love sleeping and they don’t.

I’ll start with why we love Monday mornings and build from there. We don’t love sleeping. We really can’t love it because we have almost no control over it. What we love is our freedom, the control we have over our time, and how comfortable we are. We don’t naturally realize this. At first thought, we would imagine that we just love our comfortable beds, but it goes deeper than that.

In a general case, our morning routine goes like this; we wake up, shower, cook breakfast, and go to work (and if we have kids then we are doing everything for them instead of ourselves). Well, how much of that do we actually want to do and how much do we need to do? That is the real question.

We don’t want to get out of bed in the morning because we lose control over our greatest and most treasured asset. Our time. This realization may seem like the end of the world, but it is the beginning of a brand-new life. It is easy to fix this. Just take control of your time!

We all know it isn’t that simple. There aren’t enough hours in the day to simply take more control. Let’s look at in a new perspective. We don’t need to create anything. We just need change what we currently have. Changing our schedule a bit will result in a drastic impact. Waking up 1 hour earlier than we need to can change everything.

Let’s look at it this way. We are waking up because we REALLY want to, and not because we are required to. This means we have time to focus on ourselves before we start the workday. This time could be used for writing, exercising, or sitting and enjoying a cup of coffee which leads me to my next point. Entrepreneurs.

If you are like me, we read all the articles labeled Top 10 daily habits of successful entrepreneurs or What do the 10 richest people in the world do every morning? I’m sure you know what number one is. They wake up between 4 am and 5 am. The first few times I read these, I thought they were getting a head start on work for their businesses. As I progressed my knowledge and understanding of self-improvement and business success, I realized that they were getting a head start on their self-awareness and goals for that day. It’s not for their businesses either; it’s for themselves (however, it is good to note that success for yourself leads to a successful business).

Entrepreneurs enjoy waking up early because they are masters of controlling their time. Their goal is to control their life and their destiny. They start this by controlling their time and attitude.

So, next Sunday night, when we’re dreading the next work day, let’s think about this. Think about the fact that we can control our lives. What are we going to do to move forward and be happier? It may be this simple.

I’ll warn you. It isn’t easy at first and you will be majorly tempted to hit snooze, but there is a simple rule that you can enact to combat this. When you first hear the alarm go off, countdown in your head 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, jump out of bed, then turn the alarm off. You will shock and amaze yourself so much that you will be excited to get the day started.

I know this won’t work for everyone. If you have kids or family to take care of, you may need to look at the larger picture to see what else you can change. As for millennials who are just starting their career, this is an incredible first step. To add to that, it helps you get the image of being the first into the office. There are only benefits.



Zach Stiffler

I'm passionate about exploring confidence, leadership, and self-awareness to achieve consistent growth.